while Mike tried all combinations of cables/laptop and projector until he found one that worked. It took until 9 o'clock before Katie was satisfied that we'd got all the exhibits displayed OK ...

Fortunately, by then Mike had managed to join the 3 cables and two devices together so the promotional DVD could be shown continuously throughout the day ...
and stocked the table with the Girls section handouts, etc.
Shortly after the exhibition opened to the public, we noticed a discussion on the Letchworth Rugby Club stand opposite us between our club chairman, Dave Sharp, and an Australian shirt wearing Stuart Kenny .....

I think Mr Kenny may have been explaining the likely winning margin for Australia later in the day....
Meanwhile, back on the girls stand, we were having a deal of success. As you can see, Hayley is discussing the club with a new recruit who is already sporting the No. 8 shirt!

Hayley and Tracey set out around the exhibition to distribute our leaflets to as many likely looking girl players as possible while the rest of us settled to talk to any interested visitors. After an initial flurry of visitors it was rather slow going so we had a cup of tea, watched the DVD again and sent Mike back home to fetch a small TV so we could see the Australia v. England match!
By 1.30 pm it was very quiet round the exhibitions and everyone retired to watch the game at home except Heather & Mike who stayed at Plinston Hall to greet any visitors to the two rugby club stands (and watch the game, of course!) It was then that we experienced - between 2pm and 3.40pm - the most interest in our stands!! OK, it was mostly people asking what the score was, watching a bit of the game with us or asking if we had the West Ham game on (and I didn't even know that West Ham played rugby!) but it was rather fun. Every time the Royal Naval Association stand next to us played their DVD, our TV got covered in interference and it was quite funny when 4 people tried to watch Jonny kicking for goal on our 5" TV screen!!!
In the final hour of the exhibition, we received a few more visitors and then, having played the DVD 40 times, we packed things away for the night.
Tomorrow the exhibition is open for 4 hours, so I will get to see the DVD another 22 times. Bet you're jealous really ....
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