Anyone can nominate - you do not have to go through the club - so if you think a certain coach deserves recognition for his efforts; or that the efforts of one or two people involved with coaching youngsters (at school or at county) should be recognised; or maybe the work of some people "behind the scenes" deserve a reward, then put them forward now. You can nominate as many as you like, and it costs you nothing!
Why bother? Well, the awards night is well worth going to and you - as nominator - you will get invites, as well as the nominated person and guests. Free food, and as much drink as you can carry away (ask Hayley and Carla!).
- The winner get a small reward.
- We as a club get good publicity.
- If we don't nominate anyone then we risk all the awards going to other rugby teams (even heaven forbid - boy's teams!)
- We certainly don't want all the other sports sweeping up the rewards, and rugby getting nothing!
"Die Spieler aus Rugby sind die meisten intelligenten Athleten der Welt, sonst würde es wagen zu spielen mit einem ovalen Ball"